
ASIGA Ultra | 3D printer

SKU: D204
Regular price €15.880,00
Suitable for:

Predictable, reliable, intelligent.

Unrivaled 3D print monitoring technologies

Designed to ensure production continuity in any environment.

Active layer monitoring

Asiga's ground-breaking Smart Positioning System (SPS™) enables precise layer thickness control of each individual layer, ensuring optimal print accuracy and speed.

4K image resolution

The latest high-resolution imaging chipset provides exceptional resolution over a large build envelope.

Auto-calibrating UV LED

Combining the latest generation of powerful ultraviolet solid-state light sources with an integrated radiometer ensures consistent print performance for years to come.

385 nm LED as standard.

DLP micromirror technology

Achieve the highest standard of reliability with the widest wavelength capability of any imaging technology.


User features that really make a difference.

No gimmicks. Functional, useful features that simplify your workflow.

Touchless access

Interact with your 3D printer without contaminating surfaces or touching them twice. Wave to the Ultra and watch the hood open effortlessly. Manual opening also possible!

Magnetic platform holder

Optimize your workflow and be ready for automation with the new magnetic build platform holder. No bolts, screws or calibration required.

Infrared material heater

Access a new generation of advanced materials with the infrared material heating system.

Reach temperatures up to 70°C.

Product specification Ultra (32) Ultra (50)
Construction volume X, Y, Z 119 x 67 x 130 mm
4,68 × 2,63 × 5,11 Zoll
189 x 106 x 130 mm
7,44 × 4,17 × 5,11 Zoll
Pixel size 32µm 50µm
Technology DLP DLP
Auto-calibrating UV-LED 385 nm (365 nm and 405 nm available on request) 385 nm (365 nm and 405 nm available on request)
Material compatibility Use one of over 500 qualified resins from the world's leading material manufacturers or make your own.
Software Asiga Composer Software.  Lifetime updates included
File input STL, SLC, PLY, STM (Asiga Stomp-Dateiformat)
Network compatibility WLAN, Wireless Direct, Ethernet
Power requirement 100-240 V Wechselstrom/500 Watt
System dimensions 353 x 441 x 555 mm | Weight 32,5 kg .. 13,9 xx 17,3 x 21,8 Zoll | Weight 71,5 Pound
Packmaß 485 × 615 × 799 mm | Weight 44 kg .. 19 × 24,21 × 31,45 Zoll | Weight 97 Pound
Warrenty 12 months manufacturer's warranty
Technical support  Unlimited lifetime technical support included
Package includes 3D printer, Composer software, 1 kg of Asiga material, 2 l build platform, Asiga Flash post-curing chamber, calibration toolk


Scope of delivery:

  • Ultra 3D printer
  • Calibration toolkit
  • Asiga material of your choice and build platform
  • Asiga Flash curing chamber
  • Composer software