DD Shade Concept® | Set
Zirconia constructions made of pre-shaded blanks may only be treated with DD Art Elements and not additionally with DD Basic Shade, DD Pro Shade C or DD Pro Shade Z.
Customizing constructions made from Nacera® Pearl Natural or DD cubeY® HL with DD Art Elements effect colors is possible before dense sintering, with the exception of DD Art Elements “purple”.
Item no | Contents | Scope of delivery |
LBS001 |
DD Basic Shade-Set (Ideal for DD Bio Z, DD Bio ZX², DD cube ONE® und DD cubeX²) |
16 dentine shades A1 - D4 á 30 ml5 incisal SA1 - SO á 15 ml +40 applicators |
LPSC001 |
DD Pro Shade C-Set (Ideal for DD cubeX²®) |
16 dentine shades A1 - D4 á 30 ml5 incisal SA1 - SO á 15 ml +40 applicators |
LPSZ001 |
DD Pro Shade Z-Set (Ideal for DD Bio Z, DD Bio ZX² and DD cube ONE®) |
16 dentine shades A1 - D4 á 30 ml5 incisal SA1 - SO á 15 ml + 40 applicators |
LAE001 |
DD Art Elements-Set (Ideal für DD Bio Z (color), DD Bio ZX² (color), DD cube ONE® (ML), DD cubeX² (ML), DD cubeY® HL und Nacera® Pearl Natural) |
5 incisal shades á 15 ml10 effect shades á 30 ml1 Vario Liquid á 30 ml+ 40 applicators |